Saturday, April 3, 2010

1 Year Well Check

We had Brody's 1 year well check the day before his birthday and all is well. He cleared all of our doctor's one year milestones and our pedi gave us a tip for something to work on for his 15 month well check, pointing. We are starting to demonstrate pointing and I really think he is already starting to catch on (since I am so late in posting this). He got two stinky shots and cried a little bit, but he is still a champ when it comes to those nasty needles.

He weighs 21 lbs and 1 oz (23%tile)
He is 28 3/4" tall (18%)

The percentages definitely increased from the last visit, and glad he is healthy and growing! Brody is looking more and more like a big boy. Now that he is one, we are officially parents of a toddler! Eeek! :)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Isn't it so crazy to think of them as toddlers now?!?! ahhhh!! :)