Saturday, March 19, 2011


We had crazy amounts of snow this January/February and here are some of my favorite pics to prove it. Schools were closed 4 days in a row (in February) with the total amount being 6 days closed, which is pretty much unheard of here in DFW. We had a thick layer of ice under the snow which made the driving even more difficult for us unexperienced snow drivers (aka: ME!). We had fun, got a little stir crazy, and made the most of our time together!

Brody as an ice cube

All bundled up (and we are inside)

Mommy and Daddy must be going stir-crazy! They will do silly things to keep entertained (at my expense) ;)

Peanut inside, staying warm, and playing

Throwing snowballs and yelling "B-BALLLLLL" (meaning baseball)

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