Memorial Day Weekend we spent a lot of it outside and in the water. We had to buy a new blow up pool for the summer, so we decided to break it in...or the boys did while I snapped photos. We "celebrated" my birthday with a little bit of family.
Loving the pool time. Brody did, Cash wasn't so sure about it, but he did like it.
Brody was devouring this cupcake!
My dad and stepmom with Baby Cash
A little bit of brotherly love (only because it's Mom's birthday)
Please ignore all the scratches on Brody's face and knee. I swear we don't hurt our children!!!! ;)
Nana with her grandsons
Delicious cupcakes made by my MIL - aren't they gorgeous?
On Memorial Day, we met some of our friends out at their neighborhood pool and cooked out hamburgers. What a fun day!
Look at me! Swimming all by myself!
Gavin's "cheese" face
They loved this. We would cover up the sprayer and once we moved our foot the water came spraying out. They did this over and over and over and over....
Mr. Gavin
Sweet twins, Carson and Avery