Time sure is flying! Cash is (was on April 26th) 6 months old! We sure do love this little fella. He is 98% happy and we are sooo blessed and extremely thankful. This "2nd baby" stuff and his mellow personality combined have really made things much easier to have double-baby-duty. There are some difficult moments/days thrown in there but overall, we couldn't ask for a better "peanut!"
Here are a few tid-bits about Baby Cash that I wrote down at 6 months.
Weigh 16 pounds 5 ounces
Loves to grab your face
Really enjoys eating fruits. Not so much a fan of the vegetable.
Getting super close to holding his own bottle.
Almost sitting up independently.
Loves loves loves his jumperoo/exersaucer.
Going 2 days (M and T) to preschool with Mommy. 2 days with Grandma and sometimes Grandpa (W and Th). And Fridays with Nana.
He really gets excited when he sees Gabe. He will twist his neck and contort his body so he can see him.
Putting more toys and other objects in his mouth.
No teeth my friend.
Starting to use the paci less and his 2 fingers more (index and middle).
Enjoys being outside before it gets stifling hot outside.
Still uses his monkey lovie.
So happy all.the.time!
Not so much a fan of being rocked in the rocking chair. Would rather be laid down and fall asleep by him self.
Has 4 - 6oz bottles a day.
Eats 3 solid meals. (Stage 2)
Mommy makes all fruit, sweet potatoes, and squash. The store provides the remaining food choices.
We tried giving puffs once and he gagged and spit them out. Will try again soon.