We have been so blessed with two wonderful, amazing little boys. Gosh, that is still weird for me to say I have 2 kids!!
Brody could not be a better big brother, surpassing every expectation I had. He loves "brother" and wants to hold him, carry him when Cash is in the carseat, he lays his head on him, lays next to "brother" on the play mat, gives kisses, brings mommy diapers, and brings "brother" the paci. The most difficult part right now is that Brody is consistently waking up in the middle of the night, climbing out of his big boy bed. This usually falls during my 1.5 to 2 hour night-time nap. Gabe tries to go in a help, but he cries for mommy. Which is sweet of him and I love that, but at the same time it can be very trying. Any suggestions on how to help him sleep through the night? We are currently trying a later bed time but wanted to see if there is some magical trick I could try.
Cash is a calm, easy baby. Not sure if he seems easier because I know what I am doing now, or if it is a combo of both? What ever the case may be, he is awesome. He is still so small and snuggly. I am trying to embrace it because now I know how fast they grow, but at the same time, I can tell he is starting to get spoiled by being held so much. I need to find that happy-medium. He is already doing well at tummy time and working those neck muscles, even though he doesn't like being on his stomach for very long.
We are loving life and seem to be adjusting very well. I know we will face our share of tough times, but couldn't be happier at the present time. We are so blessed with these 2 gifts of life, and I am extremely proud to be their momma!
I am so very proud of all of you and love you all so much - I am so blessed to have you all as my children and grandchildren. How did I get sooo lucky.
{{{hugs}}} Lidz! Collin went through a very similar phase right after Graham was born. We used the Good Nite Light (you can google it) and that helped a ittle, but, we also had to do a little bit of CIO (with a lock on his door), which was heartbreaking, but we all needed sleep desperately. He was also getting 2-year molars right around that time so that was making him wake up frequently too. You will make it through this! I promise it gets better!!
I am glad you are adjusting well! I was a hormonal disaster for a good 2 months after #2 came along!! Sorry about Brody getting up at night! That stinks, especially when you are already awake all night. Hope it gets better asap!
Lindsay, maybe if he spent one night a week at Grandma and Grandpa's, you could at least get one nights sleep each week. How about tomorrow????
Ha, ha, nice try Mom. :)
Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child has suggestions for almost every sleep problem at every age. That book has been my go to resource for all things sleep.
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